Empowering communities with open principles

May 23, 2022 / Online

This workshop, part of the [Research Software Camp: Next Steps in Coding](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/cc/research-software-camp-next-steps-in-coding-242199) collection organized by [The Software Sustainability Institute](https://www.software.ac.uk/), provides a taster session for people who are interested in community building and creating an open sharing research culture.
Dates May 23, 2022
Time (UTC) 08:00:00
Duration 03:00:00
Location Online
Cost Free
Registration Before
Contact mayya@we-are-ols.org

Science and research is most impactful when shared, enabling access to information, re-use of technology, and advancement of knowledge. Researchers and coders may begin by creating research software and code for themselves, and later wish to share their code so others can re-use it, and co-design a vision with a broader research community.

This three-hour session will provide a taster session for people who are interested in community building and creating an open sharing research culture in their research software, covering the initial steps to create contribution pathways for new and existing community members. It will be delivered by Mayya Sundukova (lead trainer), Batool Almarzouq and Michael Landi (assistant trainers) from the Open Life Science community.

Participants who are interested to learn more will be welcome to apply for the next cohort of OLS, a 16-week online mentorship and cohort-based training, where participants are supported to create, advance, and sustain Open Science projects by applying Open Leadership skills, which has already trained hundreds of individuals and projects over the past five training cohorts.

Prerequisites: None, but if you’re curious about open research or community building it may be more engaging for you.